Gooxe-Shared Mobility for Future Urban Environments

Shared transportation faces issues like scheduling difficulties, overcrowded stations, and limited space. Gooxe solves these problems with a tandem design that caters to different needs and flexible scheduling methods. That would encourages more people to use shared mobility, reducing urban congestion and air pollution, and creating a more comfortable urban environment.

【Gooxe Final Model 最終模型】

Gooxe's Station design the feature of being able to adjust its length,
During off-peak hours, it can also reduce the station space and return more urban space to people.
It’s design also enables us to quickly supplement Bike. 

Gooxe have solve the hard scheduling problem. With the tandem connectable design, we can make scheduling simple and flexible.
In the current shared transportation environment, we still face the challenge of overcrowded stations Or a lack of available vehicles during peak hours.
However, with our design, we can perform scheduling more efficiently. 
By analyzing the usage differences between peak and off-peak hours, we can determine the number of vehicles needed for scheduling.​​​​​​​

在車體上,我們透過了串接式的設計讓Gooxe不單單只是單台使用的共享載具,在使用上除了基本使用也多了Trailer Mode and Expantion Mode, 在置物空間以及型式上滿足了更加多樣的需求。特別是在私家車減少的未來環境之下,這樣能彌補使用性上的虛空缺,並拓展更多樣的使用族群,像是大量採購、帶行李箱等較大物體移動時,提高Gooxe的使用率及運轉效率
The connectable design allowing not only basic usage, it also provide Trailer Mode and Expansion Mode, for more diverse options for storage spaces.
This would solve the problem in a future when private car, bike,  are expected to become less common,which cause some ignored needs on shared mobility, Such as those who make purchases large amount of goods or carry luggage. By doing so, it can expand the user base.


【Detail 設計細節】

TTUID Graduation Project 2023

Advisor : Yang, Chao Yang 楊 朝陽
Designers : Chang,Sheng Hsiang 張 勝翔 & Chen,Tsung Han  陳 宗漢 &  Su,Hong Jui 蘇 泓睿
University : Tatung University Department of Industrial Design
Design Year  : June, 2022 - May, 2023
Exhibition :  TTUID FACEID@P.P.P Place / Yodex 2023@TAINEX

Gooxe Team (Chang, Sheng Hsiang / Chen, Tsung Han / Su, Hong Jui) All Copy Rights Reserved. 2022 -   

Gooxe-Shared Mobility for Future Urban Environments